Validation Workshop on SCRC Advocacy Strategy Plan

The Somali Civil Rights Coalition (SCRC) recognized the importance of developing a robust and comprehensive Advocacy Strategy Plan for the period 2023-2028. To ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the needs of Somali society, the SCRC organized a two-day Validation Workshop. The workshop was held on 24th and 25th October 2023 at the Ramada Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia. The primary objective of the workshop was to provide a platform for key civil society members, particularly coalition members, to thoroughly review, comment on, and contribute inputs to the draft Advocacy Strategy Plan.

The workshop aimed to create an inclusive and participatory environment, encouraging active engagement from all stakeholders. By involving a diverse range of experts, practitioners, and advocates in the validation process, the SCRC sought to ensure that the Advocacy Strategy Plan would effectively address the pressing civil rights issues faced by Somali society.

Over the course of the two-day workshop, participants engaged in a series of interactive sessions, discussions, and group activities. The workshop agenda encompassed presentations on the draft Advocacy Strategy Plan, facilitated group discussions, and plenary sessions to foster dialogue and collaboration. The workshop brought together a diverse group of participants, including representatives from civil society organizations, academia, and other stakeholders involved in civil rights and social justice advocacy in Somalia. The participants were carefully selected based on their expertise, experience, and commitment to promoting human rights and inclusive governance.

Participants had the opportunity to critically examine the proposed strategy document, assessing its relevance, feasibility, and alignment with the current civil rights landscape in Somalia. They provided valuable insights, suggestions, and recommendations to enhance the plan’s effectiveness and impact.

The SCRC placed great emphasis on transparency and inclusivity throughout the workshop. The voices and perspectives of all participants were actively sought and respected, creating an environment conducive to open dialogue and constructive feedback. This collaborative approach ensured that the final Advocacy Strategy Plan would be a product of collective wisdom and expertise.

Workshop Objectives:

The key objectives of the workshop were as follows:

  • To present and discuss the draft SCRC Advocacy Strategy Plan 2023-2028.
  • To solicit feedback, comments, and suggestions from participants to enhance the strategy’s content and effectiveness.
  • To foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking among civil society members within the SCRC coalition.

Workshop Proceedings:

The workshop began with a comprehensive presentation of the draft SCRC Advocacy Strategy Plan 2023-2028. The facilitators provided an overview of the strategy’s goals, objectives, and proposed actions. The presentation served as a starting point for in-depth discussions and engagement among the participants.

Participants actively engaged in discussions and information exchange sessions focused on the draft strategy plan. They shared their perspectives, experiences, and best practices related to advocacy and civil rights promotion. The discussions provided valuable insights and enriched the understanding of the strategy’s context and potential impact.

The workshop included dedicated review and input sessions, during which participants had the opportunity to thoroughly examine the draft strategy plan. They analyzed each component, including the goals, objectives, target audiences, and proposed advocacy approaches. Participants provided comments, suggestions, and additional inputs to strengthen the strategy’s content and ensure its alignment with the SCRC’s vision and mission.

To foster collaboration and networking, the workshop incorporated various collaborative activities. Participants were divided into working groups to address specific themes or priority areas within the strategy plan. They engaged in group exercises, brainstorming sessions, and interactive activities to generate innovative ideas and strategies for effective advocacy.

The discussions and exchanges during the workshop enriched the content of the strategy plan. Participants brought forth valuable insights, lessons learned, and evidence-based recommendations, which strengthened the strategy’s effectiveness in promoting civil rights, social justice, and inclusive governance in Somalia.

The workshop facilitated networking and collaboration among civil society members within the SCRC coalition. Participants had the opportunity to share their experiences, establish connections, and explore potential synergies for future joint advocacy initiatives. The strengthened collaboration among the coalition members will contribute to enhanced collective action and impact.


The Validation Workshop on SCRC Advocacy Strategy Plan 2023-2028 was a significant milestone in the development of a comprehensive and effective strategy for promoting civil rights and social justice in Somalia. The workshop fostered an inclusive and participatory approach, allowing key civil society members to review, comment, and contribute inputs to shape the strategy document.

The Validation Workshop concluded with a consensus reached on the finalized version of the SCRC Advocacy Strategy Plan 2023-2028. The inputs and recommendations gathered during the workshop were carefully considered and incorporated into the strategy document, strengthening its content and ensuring its alignment with the needs of Somali society. The outcomes of the workshop will serve as a roadmap for the SCRC’s advocacy efforts in the coming years, promoting human rights, inclusive governance, and positive societal change in Somalia.

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Head Quarter : Mogadishu,Somalia


The CRCSom works to support implementation of the UN CRC and promote children’s rights in Somalia .

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